Alex_Axe from Molgen forum announced the release of a new tool Oracle_AdMix4.
Basically, you can think of this tool as an useful add-on that extends the Oracle two-population results into four-population format.
Currently the tool support only DOS/Windows platform, and its usage is quite straightforward. The current distribution of Oracle_AdMix4 includes the required file (data.txt) with the frequencies of 22 components in each of reference populations. The second file - input.txt - is the one you need to modify in order to use the tool on your own World-22 calculator results:
30 {Quantity of output results}
1,5 {Threshold of components to ignore noise}
0,5 {Threshold of method to ignore noise}
2 {Power parameter for weighted method or zero for least-squares method}
0 Pygmy
15 West-Asian
0 North-European-Mesolithic
0 Indo-Tibetan
0 Mesoamerican
0 Arctic-Amerind
0 South-America_Amerind
5 Indian
0 North-Siberean
25 Atlantic_Mediterranean_Neolithic
5 Samoedic
0 Indo-Iranian
0 East-Siberean
40 North-East-European
0 South-African
0 North-Amerind
0 Sub-Saharian
0 East-South-Asian
10 Near_East
0 Melanesian
0 Paleo-Siberian
0 Austronesian
Currently the tool support only DOS/Windows platform, and its usage is quite straightforward. The current distribution of Oracle_AdMix4 includes the required file (data.txt) with the frequencies of 22 components in each of reference populations. The second file - input.txt - is the one you need to modify in order to use the tool on your own World-22 calculator results:
30 {Quantity of output results}
1,5 {Threshold of components to ignore noise}
0,5 {Threshold of method to ignore noise}
2 {Power parameter for weighted method or zero for least-squares method}
0 Pygmy
15 West-Asian
0 North-European-Mesolithic
0 Indo-Tibetan
0 Mesoamerican
0 Arctic-Amerind
0 South-America_Amerind
5 Indian
0 North-Siberean
25 Atlantic_Mediterranean_Neolithic
5 Samoedic
0 Indo-Iranian
0 East-Siberean
40 North-East-European
0 South-African
0 North-Amerind
0 Sub-Saharian
0 East-South-Asian
10 Near_East
0 Melanesian
0 Paleo-Siberian
0 Austronesian
All you need to do is to change the default values of components with your own results of World-22 calculator.
The output should appear in the following format:
1 Mordovian+Russian_South+Swedish+Swedish @ 20,749639
2 Estonian+Mordovian+Swedish+Swedish @ 23,267935
3 Finnish-North+Mordovian+Polish+Swedish @ 23,656645
4 Finnish-North+Mordovian+Russian_South+Swedish @ 23,83736
5 Estonian+Finnish-South+Mordovian+Swedish @ 24,192354
6 Mordovian+Polish+Swedish+Swedish @ 24,846391
7 Estonian+German-North+Mordovian+Swedish @ 25,176036
8 Lithuanian+Mordovian+Swedish+Swedish @ 25,511204
9 Finnish-North+Lithuanian+Mordovian+Swedish @ 25,523722
10 Finnish-South+Lithuanian_V+Mordovian+Swedish @ 25,539837