Monday, April 25, 2011

Announcement of new software

The project's programmer, Vasily Gavrilov (Anode) has released a toolkit for processing genetic data in RAW (23andme) format.

Currently supports (command-line):
1) Half-IBD (Identity by descent) aka HIRs calculations - between 2 or any number of files (in distances and cM);
2) RAW2PED conversion;
3) discovery of regions of homozygosity
4) merging of datasets.

Features under development (C language)
1) PED2RAW conversion
2) conversion between Illumina format of series matrices and PED
3) etc.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Awaiting STRUCTURE (K=10, N=159) results

The project is awaiting the results of first STRUCTURE run (it is being run as a daemon process on Linux server).Since each STRUCTURE run is computationally intensive job (which is apparently the case when max.numbers of MCMC iterations and minimal periods between "burn-ins" are enabled), the results are expected to arrive after circa 7 CPU days.